Interview with Susie Crofut and Ben Luxon

We interviewed  musicians and artists Ben Luxon and Susie Crofut about their extensive flower and food gardens, and occasionally we turn the discussion to our gardening.  In place of our regular theme Nature’s Dream, we hear a bit of Ben playing the accompaniment to the Puccini aria O Mio Babbino Caro which his granddaughter will be performing in the future.

.  Now in their 80’s, they have had full lives as artists, musicians, and co-creators of beautiful gardens blending the formal and the wild in their Sandisfield Center property overlooking a beaver pond and forests.  Ben’s singing career of opera, oratorios, songs from various genres, and Susie’s art and design sensibilities have lent richness to the Sandisfield Arts Center where they are key creators of this community gem,  We spoke with them in late June 2024 on their back deck overlooking the flower gardens, and then had a walk and talk around the vegetable, flower and fruit beds and trees.

This also broadcasts Mondays in July from 10-11 AM EDT on WBCR-LP Great Barrington 97.7 FM, Berkshire Community Radio,  streaming at where you can find recent episodes of our show and make a donation to support locally produced programming

.  Thanks for listening!

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